
The High Cost of the Interruption Culture and How to Stop Paying It

Interruptions cost you and your employees valuable time and productivity. Here’s how to get back all that lost time and end interruptions for good. Image source: When people talk about “the interruption culture” in today’s workplace, there’s a tone of resignation. It’s as though the interruption culture is immutable – as though interrupters must

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If All Productivity Improvements Must Come from Technology, What Are Managers For?

CEOs and investors are right to worry when they see productivity gains from the digital revolution tailing off. But many seem to have a quaint faith that salvation comes from one source only, the one they agree is exhausted right now: digital innovation. Time Magazine reported recently, “If we want to get back to the

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The High Cost of the Interruption Culture and How to Stop Paying It

When people talk about “the interruption culture” in today’s workplace, they often sound resigned to it – as though it can’t be changed and therefore must be tolerated. They are wrong. The interruption culture destroys productivity, work satisfaction and life satisfaction. It should not be tolerated, and it can be changed. Eliminating the interruption culture

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Learning to Say No to Interruptions to Foster Creativity in Business

What if Galileo, Newton, Einstein or any of the other great thinkers of the past had lived in today’s interruption culture? Would hastily called departmental meetings have discouraged Newton from discovering why what goes up must come down? Would society still be wondering what E equals if Einstein had to endure “reply all”? And then

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Time Locking for Interruption Management

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When you come across the words “bank efficiency,” more than likely “technology” and “consolidation” are in the vicinity. It’s almost an article of faith that those are the only two paths to bank efficiency: automation and consolidation. I’m all for technology innovation, but what happened to <em>managerial innovation</em>? Are managers to let technology usurp their

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