How to Answer ‘Got a Minute?’ When You Literally Don’t Have One Minute

Your in-laws are minutes away and you’re elbow-deep in a house-cleaning that’s desperately overdue. Or you’ve just arrived at work, only to find there’s been a crisis overnight that needs immediate attention. Or you’re making your to-do list for the day and your heart starts racing as you realize 24 hours is simply not enough

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How to Not Waste Your Windfall of Time

If you win the lottery, what will you do with your winnings? That’s a mind game that almost everyone plays at one time or another. If you’re anything like a lot of lottery winners, you’ll probably end up broke. Let’s face it. People are not geared to handle windfalls. Actors, pop stars and athletes let

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Answering the Dreaded ‘Got a Minute’ Question

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When is a minute not a minute? Edward Brown, author of “The Time Bandit Solution,” offers tips on how to prioritize your time on Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero

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How to identify your time bandits

Somebody is stealing your time, your most valuable, finite resource. These Time Bandits operate by the simple means of interrupting you. When you don’t protect your time, you don’t just lose a minute or two. Our research shows that workers at all levels report losing three to five hours of productive time every day due

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The Most Dreaded Words in Busniess

Got a minute? The fact is, unless you are a great rarity today, you not only don’t have a minute, you have a yawning deficit of minutes. There is work unfinished on your desk. You have personal aspirations of all kinds that you never find time for and obligations you barely find time for. You’re

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